Park and Recreation Commission Meeting
- Date: Fourth Thursday of every month
- Location: City Council Chambers
150 City Park Way
Brentwood, California 94513
The agenda for the City of Brentwood Park and Recreation Commission meeting has been posted on the City?s website: Agenda
The public is invited to participate in the Park and Recreation Commission meeting using any of the following methods:
- Members of the public can provide in-person comments in the Council Chambers. Members of the public are encouraged, but not required, to fill out a speaker card. The Council Chambers will have seating available for members of the public to attend in person up to full seating capacity.
- Zoom: or Zoom Webinar ID: 837 6969 1186
- Zoom Phone Numbers. Dial Toll Free: (833) 548-0276 or (833) 548-0282 or (877) 853-5247.
- During the meeting, each period for public comment will be announced, and participants may use the ?Raise Hand? feature on Zoom to request to speak. If calling in via Zoom use *9 to raise and lower your hand. The meeting host will call on you, by name, and enable your microphone when it is your turn to speak. In order to ensure the orderly administration of the meeting using this method, providing your name is encouraged, but is not required.(If you need instructions on how to use this feature, please contact the Administrative Supervisor by noon of the meeting date at at or 925.516.5357.)
- Public comments can also be submitted via e-mail to Any public comments received up until 3:00 p.m. of the meeting date will be:
- distributed to the Commission via email before the meeting,
- posted online for public inspection at Public Comments, and
- later summarized in the meeting minutes.
- As e-mails containing public meeting comments are part of the official record, note that personal contact information may be published if it is included with your e-mail.
- Public comments can also be submitted via e-mail to Any public comments received up until 3:00 p.m. of the meeting date will be:
- The public may view the meeting via one-way video feed by selecting the video option on the Agendas link on the City webpage at
Click here for more information
Park and Recreation Commission Meetin...
Date and Time
Thursday Jul 25, 2024
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PDT
Contact Information
Administrative Supervisor
Send Email