About Us
The Mayor is an elected position, serving four-year terms. The City Council Members are elected and serve four-year terms. The City Council elections are held in November of even numbered years.
In compliance with State Law, the City of Brentwood reports the annual compensation for its elected officials, officers and employees to the State Controller's Office. The State Controller's office posts this information online at the State Controller's Government Compensation in California website.
City Council Meetings
City Council meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, except July when the City Council's regular meeting is held on the fourth Tuesday, and in November and December, when the City Council's regular meeting is held on the second Tuesday. If you would like to receive an email notification of upcoming meetings, please subscribe to the City's eNotifications: Email Subscriptions | Brentwood, CA (brentwoodca.gov)
Contact the Council
All emails sent to the City are considered public records under the California Public Records Act (Govt. Code Section 6250, et seq.), and may be subject to public disclosure.
To contact individual City Council Members, use the e-mails linked below.
To contact the full City Council, City Manager’s Office, and City Attorney’s Office, use the following distribution e-mail: citycouncil@brentwoodca.gov
Be advised that the City Council members may only reply directly to you, as an email from them to more than two members of the City Council could constitute a violation of the State’s open meeting laws.